What are the biggest cybersecurity threats to be aware of in 2021?

Even with increased awareness and the presence of cybersecurity practices, the world continues to witness the growth of cybersecurity threats. While some of them are old and are covered by different cybersecurity programs, other threats are new and have just begun to be explored.

Cybersecurity threats can be dangerous for organizations and target their revenue or sensitive data. Therefore, it can be advantageous to know about different cyber threats as much as possible.

This blog offers a unique insight into some of the most prevalent cybersecurity threats to businesses today. These include age-old threats like phishing and some new ones like polyglot files.

  1. Phishing: Phishing is one of the most common cybersecurity threats known to mankind. Phishing attacks include different digital messages with a virus link attached to them. Clicking on the link makes your computer vulnerable to hacking attempts. With work-from-home becoming a staple for most people last year, phishing attempts involved sending false information links about the coronavirus to unsuspicious people.
  2. Clever ransomware: Ransomware is specifically designed software that encrypts your files on your computer and asks for a ransom to decrypt them. The rise of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin has helped spread the growth of ransomware since malicious hackers can now be more anonymous. Going forward, ransomware could be more sophisticated like being disguised as a computer update or software to repair corrupted files.
  3. Polyglot files: Polyglot files are relatively in the cybersecurity threats space. They are a valid form of different file types such as an image and a javascript simultaneously. Polyglot files can hide ransomware with much more finesse and can be hidden in plain sight easily. Cybersecurity professionals are seeing these kinds of files in advertising frauds through emails and social media platforms.
  4. IoT botnet attacks: The Internet-of-Things is one of the fastest-growing technologies in the modern world. Reports suggest that there could be more than 75 billion IoT devices by 2025. However, this growth could be hampered by cybersecurity threats like IoT botnet attacks. IoT botnets are placed on vulnerable access control systems and can open up entire company networks open for hacking attempts.
  5. Social engineering attacks: The growth and popularity of different social media platforms among the general public have also left them exposed to social engineering attacks. Social engineering targets human emotions to gain access to sensitive customer information on social media accounts.

There are plenty of other sharks in the sea such as insider threats, zero-day exploits, and deepfakes that can leave your sensitive data vulnerable to theft or damage.

2021 is witnessing new and stronger types of cybersecurity threats that are more dangerous than ever before. Therefore, it is important to invest in strong cybersecurity measures and professionals who can protect your company networks and data from potential breaches.

Investing in a strong cybersecurity diploma can ensure you are equipped with the relevant skills to tackle different cyber threats. Look for an appropriate cybersecurity program today to cash in on the international demand for suitable cybersecurity professionals.