Tag: making it big

Ask Me Anything: My Advice For Aspiring Designer-Makers

Ask Me Anything: My Advice For Aspiring Designer-Makers

The world is full of aspiring designer-makers. They are people that want to offer something unique, stylish and refreshing to the world. The trouble is, “making it big” in the business world can be tough as a designer-maker. You don’t have a big team of people to bounce ideas from. Nor do you have a limitless pot of cash to spend on developing those ideas. For me, I’ve had to learn a few things the hard way. The good news is that my efforts weren’t in vain. The jewellery I create has gained worldwide popularity. Of course, as you can appreciate, I’ve had to put a lot of time and effort into getting where I am today! I often have aspiring designer-makers asking me for tips and advice on how to be successful. The truth is, there isn’t a simple strategy to follow. Success can get define...