Tag: cyber security awareness tips

Common Mistakes Made in Cyber Security Awareness Campaigns
Technology, WebFreak

Common Mistakes Made in Cyber Security Awareness Campaigns

Launching a cyber security awareness campaign is obviously a useful action that you can take – one that can help out when it comes to your company's future and ensure that it stands the test of time. However, if you get it wrong, it can end up doing no good at all and may even have a detrimental impact. So, avoiding some of the most common mistakes out there is bound to be a good starting point, let's take a closer look at a few of the ways in which you can do this successfully. Not Taking it Seriously Enough The first potential issue that you can find yourself up against is the one of simply not taking it seriously enough. This means that the policy is not kept up to date with the most modern threats that exist out there, and it can also lead to a situation in which breaches are mor...