Identity theft is a crime that is now much easier to make than before because of the advantages of the Internet to this, together with the carelessness and irresponsibility of users. Today the victims of identity theft are not only natural persons; companies likewise are being affected largely by identity theft of their employees.
This offense can be presented through more than 100 different ways: in person, through phone calls, social networking, chat rooms, instant messaging, etc, so caution should be used in each area to avoid becoming a victim of criminals.
Identity theft by online media has increased in recent years and has become an important issue to address worldwide issue, because we all use our personal data on the Internet and cybercriminals behind these. bank accounts, credit card numbers, usernames and passwords for email, social networks, among others, are being stalked in order to damage the reputation and / or economy of the victim.
A study conducted in late 2014 that sought to investigate the greatest fears and concerns of Americans, revealed that the list of fears, in the top 2 and top 3 were, being a victim of identity theft and Internet security respectively. Besides that, the biggest concern of Americans is being affected by identity theft online , over running out of money in the future and have a disease. Within this category also they excelled aspects as being guarded in their online activity by government and businesses.
Nobody is safe from being targeted by criminals. According to statistics of LifeLock , earning $ 100,000 or more annually increases your chances of being victimized by 51% and have a college degree has a 44% chance.
Similarly students and members of the military are at risk for criminals to open bank accounts in your name without you even suspect it. Students are 45% more likely to experience this type of crime, while the military, by 28% more, they steal more money than civilians. Factors like buying a house, get married, have children, start a new job or divorce also increases the risk.
But No Longer Only Concern For Individuals
Of all the security issues that may experience a company, identity theft is one of the most worrying because it can significantly damage the reputation and relationships with customers and suppliers.
Overall identity theft to consumers and businesses works similarly but differs in the way identities are captured and exploited. Generally the identities of consumers (individuals) are caught in large quantities, via gap databases of large companies, as recently happened at Target or Home Depot. On the other hand, identity theft to corporate employees is given by methods such as phishing, to infiltrate the corporate network and steal sensitive company data. A method widely used lately for identity theft to company employees and large companies is impersonating brands on social networks, cheat customers, profiteers and damaged reputation.
Moreover, thanks to the use of BYOD and cloud applications, companies have allowed users to connect to company networks from anywhere at any time, making easier the attacks and the most difficult to protect networks. But there are companies and services like Lifelock that can do it. Does lifelock have promo code? Yes, it provides coupon codes and promo codes for the customers.